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Tag : Coronavirus supplement

Truth and justice, a perfect storm and welfare cuts tipping marginal seats

Contributor, Monday, 22nd March 2021 -  All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.


ACOSS has revealed new analysis from the Social Policy Research Centre at UNSW showing more than 50 marginal

Cuts to the coronavirus supplement, new houses left empty and 550 reasons to smile

Contributor, Wednesday, 20th January 2021 -  All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.


ACOSS drew national attention to the federal government’s decision to cut income support on the first day

New Productivity Commission data prompts calls for more housing investment

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 20th January 2021 -  Homelessness groups warn that Australia’s housing system remains in urgent need of repair    More than half of low-income private renters are spending unsustainable amounts on

Social sector withstands a year like no other, with a few wins along the way – 2020 in review

Luke Michael, Monday, 21st December 2020 -  As a turbulent-filled year comes to a close, Luke Michael reflects on the sector-defining moments of 2020.    What a year 2020 has been. No one could have predicted how much the year

‘We need to overhaul the system’: Welfare advocates say JobSeeker must be raised permanently

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 8th December 2020 -  A new survey reveals that the pre-COVID JobSeeker rate left 41 per cent of recipients with just $7 a day after paying rent  All the gains made from the temporary JobSeeker increase will

Australia’s rental affordability crisis remains despite COVID welfare boost

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 2nd December 2020 -  The latest Rental Affordability Index reveals the temporary welfare increase has brought little relief for low-income households      While the JobSeeker coronavirus supplement

JobSeeker boost hasn’t impacted the rates of people seeking work, economists say

Luke Michael, Friday, 27th November 2020 -  Community groups are strongly opposed to the government’s planned cuts to the JobSeeker payment               The higher rate of JobSeeker during the coronavirus pandemic has

Anti-poverty advocates slam ‘cruel’ welfare cuts

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 10th November 2020 -  Prime Minister Scott Morrison says keeping the current supplement rate would “hold Australia back”    Community groups are dismayed by the federal government’s decision to slash

COVID-19 leaves community sector ‘approaching crisis point’

Luke Michael, Friday, 18th September 2020 -  Workers in the community sector have reported feeling “exhausted and burned out” Community sector leaders warn that organisations will not be able to cope with surging COVID-fueled

Close to 150,000 jobs at risk due to welfare cuts

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 15th September 2020 -  Community groups say welfare recipients are facing a deeply uncertain future  The looming cuts to the Coronavirus Supplement will cost the economy billions of dollars and could result

‘Now is not the time to cut the coronavirus supplement’

Conny Lenneberg, Friday, 4th September 2020 -  The $550 coronavirus supplement has transformed lives. As a sector, we must now work harder than ever to ensure the October budget includes enough funding to maintain it for the duration

Charity sector calls for JobSeeker to be raised permanently

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 14th July 2020 -  Anti-poverty advocates say that welfare payments must be raised above the poverty line, following new survey findings  Failing to permanently raise the JobSeeker payment would
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