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Tag : Council to Homeless Persons

Older Australians being pushed to the brink of homelessness

Nikki Stefanoff, Thursday, 1st July 2021 -  New data reveals the number of older Australians experiencing rent stress has increased by 11 per cent over the last year – prompting advocates to call for the government to

‘It’s a continuation of the Stolen Generation’: How the social housing system is failing vulnerable Aboriginal women and their kids

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 19th February 2020 -  Aboriginal parents in domestic violence situations are having their children removed at record numbers due to a lack of social housing, homelessness organisations say.    For the

Australia’s largest homelessness centre offers new approach

Luke Michael, Monday, 1st July 2019 -  Victorians experiencing homelessness will have access to accommodation, health services, a tech hub, a gym and financial counselling with the opening of a $47 million support centre.

Alliance Calls For Urgent Affordable Housing Action

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 12th October 2018 -  With the Victorian state election around the corner, an alliance of housing and homelessness groups are calling for 3,000 public and community housing options to be built every year

Rental Reform Win for Homelessness Advocacy

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 7th September 2018 -  The homelessness sector is celebrating significant changes to rental laws in Victoria, which advocates say better protect vulnerable tenants from eviction into homelessness.  

Concerns Raised Over NDIS Barriers for Homeless People With Disability

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 7th August 2018 -  There are calls for greater National Disability Insurance Scheme accessibility for disadvantaged groups, with an expert warning it is “nearly impossible” for homeless people

Can TV Show Us What it is Really Like to be Homeless?

Paul Carter, Monday, 23rd July 2018 -  Having shown what it is “really like to be homeless in Australia”, the celebrities involved in television’s second series of Filthy Rich and Homeless are back to their normal

Growing Number of Victorians ‘Evicted into Homelessness’

Luke Michael, Monday, 12th February 2018 -  The number of Victorians “evicted into homelessness” has more than doubled in the past five years, leading the state’s peak homelessness body to call for the creation of more social

Sharp Rise in School Children Experiencing Homelessness

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 10th January 2018 -  There has been a 13 per cent increase in school children experiencing homelessness in Victoria, which is jeopardising their education prospects, the peak body for homelessness

Homelessness Sector Welcomes Melbourne’s New ‘Protocol’ on Rough Sleepers

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 27th September 2017 -    The City of Melbourne has moved away from introducing new by-laws, which include penalties to keep rough sleepers from city streets, in a decision welcomed by the homelessness

Ignoring Social Housing is a Recipe for Failure Expert Warns

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 12th September 2017 -  Throwing money at crisis responses to homelessness while ignoring social housing is a recipe for failure, an Irish expert on homelessness has warned Australia. Professor Eoin O’Sullivan,

Victorian Budget Addresses Family Violence and Homelessness

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 2nd May 2017 -  The welfare sector has described the 2017 Victorian budget as “having a heart” and delivering on the state government’s commitment to end family violence and fund homelessness programs.…
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