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Tag : Data retention

Creating a ‘Single Source of Truth’ for Your Data

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 23rd August 2016 -  Hot Topic: IT expert Ian Patterson offers his top tips on integrating data in a Not for Profit organisation – how to make sure every piece of relevant data is captured in the one place.

Snowden Rejects Abbott Privacy Laws

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 12th May 2015 -  The world’s most famous whistleblower has warned that the Abbott Government’s data retention laws are enabling it to spy on civilians and encroaching on “dangerous”…

Scrap Data Retention Bill – Law Institute

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 22nd January 2015 -  The Federal Government’s controversial data retention legislation should be scrapped, according to the Law Institute of Victoria. LIV President Katie Miller said the Government…
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