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Tag : David Gilchrist

Collaboration for Impact: Lessons from the field

Ushi Ghoorah, Monday, 19th October 2020 -  Dr John Butcher shares some key takeaways from his new book, co-authored with David Gilchrist, on the issue of how you make collaboration work. Collaboration is often offered as a

NDIS Pricing – New Research Confirms Risks to Service Users

David Gilchrist, Tuesday, 19th September 2017 -  If the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is going to deliver, it will have to adjust its pricing model, writes University of Western Australia Professor David Gilchrist

NDIS – Time to Save Money and Deliver on a Promise

David Gilchrist, Thursday, 15th June 2017 -  There is considerable support for a modified planning process for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, writes Dr David Gilchrist as he unpacks his latest research, released


Getting the NDIS Over the Line

Staff Reporter, Friday, 9th September 2016 -  The NDIS presents huge opportunities but also poses huge risks. Penny Knight and Professor David Gilchrist, from Curtin’s Not-for-profit Initiative, explain why there

Disability Service Sector Can’t Meet NDIS Demand

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 8th September 2016 -  A significant number of disability service organisations lack the financial capacity to meet the increased demand from the National Disability Insurance Scheme, according to


Time to Get Real on NDIS: Data and Flexibility Are Key

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 3rd September 2015 -  It’s time to stock and develop better data in support of a more robust National Disability Insurance Scheme or the brunt of any failure will be borne by those who live with disability,


Prerequisites for Cross-Sector Working

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 25th August 2015 -  Experts from Australia and New Zealand recently came together to investigate the prerequisites for working effectively across sector boundaries to find solutions to complex social


League Tables – Keeping the Discussion Alive

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 10th March 2015 -  The recent launch of the ChangePath charity rating website gives Australian charities, Not for Profits and the broader community an opportunity to reprise its conversation regarding


Babies and Bathwater – Repealing is Not the Same as Fixing

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th March 2014 -  While many in the Not for Profit sector appreciate the Coalition Government has made political promises with regard to the ACNC, it should not throw out the baby with the bathwater,


Charity Navigator Model – Out of the Frying Pan?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th February 2014 -  David Gilchrist. The Federal Social Services Minister Kevin Andrew's announcement that a Charity Navigator Model may replace the ACNC is something the charitable and Not for
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