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Tag : David Murray

Social Lens for Financial Inquiry’s Final Report

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 9th December 2014 -  The final report of the the Financial Systems Inquiry has advised the Federal Government to explore and develop impact investment as an innovative way of potentially funding social…

Financial Services Inquiry Targets Impact Investment

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 16th July 2014 -  Reducing regulatory burdens and providing greater guidance are among the recommendations for the improvement of the impact investing market made by the Federal Government’s…

Aus Inquiry Urged to Promote Social Investment

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 9th April 2014 -  Social sector advocates are urging the Federal Government to look at new ways to promote social investment in Australia as part of its inquiry into the financial system.   In…


Not for Profits – We’re in the Business of Going Out of Business

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th September 2013 -  Unlike commercial organisations who hardly ever try to end their own existence, that is exactly what a good Not for Profit should strive for says former banking chief and the newly
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