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Tag : Definition

Proposed amendment to ‘not-for-profit entity’ definition

Contributor, Thursday, 22nd August 2019 -  Michelle Warren, HLB Mann Judd Australasian director of financial reporting, outlines the proposed change to the definition of a not-for-profit entity and why it is important.

Corporations Now Recognised as Volunteers

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 29th July 2015 -  Businesses have welcomed their inclusion into the new Australian definition of volunteering, released by national peak body Volunteering Australia. For the first time, corporate…

New Definition of Volunteering Revealed

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 28th July 2015 -  A new long-awaited national definition of volunteering has been released, with activism to be included and businesses recognised as volunteers for the first time. The new definition…

New Definition for Volunteering?

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 -  The volunteering sector must review, and possibly change, its definition of the word volunteering or risk being left behind by the wider Australian community, the sectors’…


Social Enterprise Confusion

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 21st May 2014 -    Even an award winning and experienced, globetrotting social entrepreneur can find the the term ‘social enterprise’ confusing! Daniel Flynn, Co-Founder of Thankyou Group

NFPs Urge MPs to Pass Charity Bill

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th June 2013 -  Community and philanthropic organisations have joined forces to urge all members of Parliament to pass the Charities Bill 2013, which is set to re-enter the House of Representatives…
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