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Tag : Developing Countries

Putting the Spotlight on Entrepreneurs in Developing Countries

Wendy Williams, Monday, 21st August 2017 -  Australians are being encouraged to recognise entrepreneurs in developing countries who are working to “swim against the tide and flourish” on World Entrepreneurs’ Day. The international

Aussie Maps NFPs in Developing Countries

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd January 2014 -  An Australian researcher is trying to map the Not for Profit, non-government hospitals and clinics in developing countries that operate on a hand-to-mouth existence to save lives.…

Australia Awards Fellowships Announced

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 30th May 2013 -  More than 700 senior officials and mid-career professionals from developing countries will have the opportunity to work with Australian organisations to receive training and…

UK Technology Pledge to Help World’s Poorest

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 21st November 2012 - 
Justine Greening speaking at the DFID/Omidyar Network Open Up! conference in London. Some rights reserved by DFID UK. The UK Government has pledged to give millions of the world’s…

Education Failure in Developing Countries – Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 16th October 2012 - 
©UNESCO/D. Willetts, School children in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya Twenty percent of young people in developing countries fail to complete primary school and lack skills…

Australian NFPs Weigh In On G20

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st June 2012 -  Not for Profit aid organisations Oxfam Australia and Save the Children have commended Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her British and Canadian counterparts on a new initiative…
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