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Tag : Disability Reform

NDIS Board and Advisory Council Named

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th June 2013 -  Long-standing champion of disability reform in Australia and President of Philanthropy Australia, Bruce Bonyhady AM, has been appointed as the inaugural Chair of the Board of DisabilityCare…

Disability Reforms Introduced to South Australian Parliament

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 31st May 2012 -  Independent South Australian MLC Kelly Vincent has introduced a private member’s Bill to protect people with disabilities in that state.
South Australian MLC Kelly Vincent.

Govt Wants National Debate on NDIS Funding

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th October 2011 -  Image: A supporter of the 'Every Australian Counts' campaign meets with the Federal Member for Denison, Andrew Wilkie. The Federal Government is firmly committed to implementing…

Dissecting the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 16th March 2011 -  From government policy through to public rhetoric, there is a widespread expectation that people with disabilities should contribute to society as best they are able. Yet historically,…
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