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Tag : Disadvantaged Australians

Rich and Poor Gap Widens – New Reports

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th June 2014 -  The gap between the richest and poorest Australians is worsening, according to an Oxfam Australia poll and confirmed in a report by Australia21 in collaboration with The Australia…

State of Sydney Report ‘Confronting’

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 8th May 2014 -  A new report on the living conditions of people seeking emergency relief in Sydney and surrounding areas has been described as confronting by welfare agency Anglicare. The report…

2014 Westpac Community Grants Available

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 13th February 2014 -  Banking giant Westpac will award more than half a million dollars in funding to Not for Profits committed to improving the lives of disadvantaged Australians, as part of its 2014 Community…

Homelessness Overhaul Planned

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 31st October 2013 -  The Coalition is planning a major overhaul of the Federal Government’s strategy on homelessness. According to a spokesperson for the Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews,…

Disadvantaged Face More Legal Problems – LAW Survey

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 11th October 2012 -  Australians with a disability and single parents are twice as likely to experience legal problems, according to a landmark national study. The LAW Survey (Legal Australia-Wide…

More Needed to Support Disadvantaged into Workforce

Staff Reporter, Friday, 30th March 2012 - 
Minister for Employment Participation Kate Ellis (left) speaking at the ACOSS conference in Sydney. Photo: Jackie Hanafie The second day of the ACOSS conference in Sydney has kicked…

Uni Students Help Refugees Embrace Education

Staff Reporter, Friday, 4th November 2011 -  A Not for Profit organisation led by Victorian university students is celebrating serving over 500 students in its first 5 years. Embrace Education offers free tutoring and mentoring…
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