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Tag : Disasters

Disability sector demands inclusive disaster preparedness

Jonathan Alley, Wednesday, 6th April 2022 -  A pre-election open letter from disability rights and advocacy organisations is calling for stronger resources for disaster-affected people living with disability.  A coalition

We can’t keep relying on charities and the food industry to supply food after disasters – the government must lead

Contributor, Monday, 7th March 2022 -  Governments urgently need plans to increase the resilience of food systems to shocks and stresses, write Rachel Carey, Leila Alexandra and Maureen Murphy from The University of

Why not for profits are priceless

Fiona Roberts, Wednesday, 22nd July 2020 -  Not-for-profit organisations have critical strengths that are important to a healthy, resilient community, writes Fiona Roberts, sharing some of the findings from her PhD which

Salvos Address Impact of Natural Disasters

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 12th February 2013 -  The Salvation Army has developed a website and online film for people affected by natural disasters. And the Salvos are urging Australians affected by natural disasters, which have…

Teaching Children About Natural Disasters – UNICEF

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 31st January 2013 -  UNICEF Australia has launched an education kit to help parents talk to their children about natural disasters like recent flooding events in Queensland. “At UNICEF we’re…

NGOs Team Up for Aussie Kids in Disasters

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th November 2012 - 
Children play in a Child Friendly Space operated by Save the Children during Cyclone Yasi. Photo: Save the Children Two of Australia’s largest emergency management NGOs have…

Global Disasters Displace 72 Million

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 18th October 2012 -  More than 72 million people around the world were forced to leave their homes last year as a result of disaster, conflict and development, a new report has revealed. The World Disasters

NFPs Respond to Queensland Floods

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th January 2011 -  As the flood situation in Queensland continues to deteriorate, Not for Profit organisations are calling on the public for support as they prepare to deal with the states worst floods…

Australia Leading in Pakistan Appeal

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 22nd September 2010 -  Australia, with the UK and Norway is leading the way in responding to the new UN appeal for Pakistan flood victims but Oxfam International says other nations are slow to respond. International…
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