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Tag : Documentary Australia Foundation

Doco of the month: Geeta

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 8th September 2021 -  Geeta is the story of one woman’s journey from being an acid attack survivor to fighting to give her daughters a better life. Wendy Williams talks to director Emma Macey-Storch and

A documentary playlist

Contributor, Thursday, 27th August 2020 -  Looking for something to watch? To help those of us still in lockdown and those who just love documentaries, Documentary Australia Foundation has pulled together a playlist of films

Doco of the month: In My Blood It Runs

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 14th May 2020 -  In My Blood It Runs is a moving portrayal of what it is like as an Aboriginal child growing up in Australia today. Director Maya Newell talks to Wendy Williams about why it was a story that

Doco of the month: Happy Sad Man

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 19th December 2019 -  How do men navigate the dance between happiness and sadness? Geneviève Bailey wanted to find out. Here she talks to Wendy Williams about her film Happy Sad Man, which explores how five

Doco of the Month: Visible Farmer

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 26th November 2019 -  Gisela Kaufmann and Carsten Orlt talk to Wendy Williams about how their new web-series is putting a spotlight on the long hidden face of agriculture, as part of a series profiling powerful

Stories That Work: Documentary as a powerful tool to spark social change

Contributor, Thursday, 12th September 2019 -  In today’s fast-moving world, documentary stands-out as a unique and powerful tool to educate ourselves and spark social change.  Stories are an integral part of human culture –

Doco of the month: The Leunig Fragments

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 9th July 2019 -  Who is Michael Leunig? Wendy Williams talks to Kasimir Burgess about his new film The Leunig Fragments and why despite being at the centre of the doco the famous cartoonist remains

Doco of the month: Ghosthunter

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 18th April 2019 -  The team behind the award-winning documentary Ghosthunter talk to Wendy Williams about the film’s impact and how a story about ghosts became an exploration of the impact of childhood

Documentary Australia Foundation Celebrates Ten Years of Storytelling For Social Impact

Contributor, Thursday, 25th October 2018 -  As Documentary Australia Foundation celebrates its 10th anniversary, it wants to collaborate with the not-for-profit sector to help NFPs use storytelling to achieve their aims

Seven Social Films Selected for Good Pitch

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 13th May 2014 -  An international forum for social impact documentaries – Good Pitch Australia – has announced the seven Australian social impact documentaries that will be presented…

Philanthropists Lead Action on Gender Inequality

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th March 2014 -  Australian Ambassador for Women and Girls, Natasha Stott Despoja, has launched a suite of high-school education materials to address discrimination against women and girls. The…

GOOD PITCH2 For-Good Films – Applications Open

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st January 2014 -  Filmmakers are invited to apply for GOOD PITCH2 AUSTRALIA -­ an international forum for social impact documentaries, to be held for the first time in Sydney on October 8, 2014.…
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