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Tag : Duncan Peppercorn

To Merge or Not to Merge

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th May 2014 -  Social Ventures Australia (SVA) Consulting’s Executive Director Duncan Peppercorn examines the pros and cons of mergers in the Not for Profit space in this article that first

Time’s Right for NFPs to Think About Merging – Debate

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 5th February 2014 -    Foundation for Young Australians CEO Jan Owen. World Vision Australia CEO Tim Costello. The time is right for healthy Not for Profits to think about mergers and acquisitions,…


Getting Our (Charitable) Act Together

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 3rd December 2013 -  The need for consolidation in the Not for Profit sector isn’t as critical as popular opinion would have us believe. However, greater collaboration, integration and mergers

Aussie Appointed to Global ‘Shared Value’ Initiative

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 16th October 2013 -  A member of Australia’s social change community is set to fly the flag overseas following his appointment by peers to a worldwide Not for Profit best practice board. Duncan…


Brave Leaders Hold and Measure Clear Goals

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th September 2013 -  Leaders need to commit to their goals and not be swayed by funders, according to New Philanthropy Capital’s Tris Lumley in an interview with Social Ventures Australia (SVA)


Shared Value: A New Paradigm for Corporate Strategy

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 10th July 2013 -  SVA Consulting joined a Leadership Summit in Boston, US to explore the concept of “Shared Value” and how to find and create it and the barriers to implementing it. Executive
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