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Tag : Eftpos giveback campaign

World Congress Tackles Diabetes Management with Technology

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th December 2013 -  Young global diabetes advocates joined forces to help design a sophisticated eHealth app for diabetes prevention and management, expected to assist more than a million Australians…

Healthy Christmas Recipes Help Raise Awareness – eftpos Giveback Campaign

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 26th November 2013 -  Diabetes Australia is calling on the public to submit healthy Christmas recipes as part of the eftpos Giveback campaign. eftpos CEO Bruce Mansfield said during the eftpos Giveback…

New Diabetes Campaigns Supported by eftpos Giveback Donation

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th November 2013 -  Diabetes Australia has welcomed the start of the eftpos Giveback campaign, which will result in a donation of up to $2 million to support diabetes and cancer programs. This follows…

Charities Use Social Media in eftpos Giveback Campaign

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th November 2013 -  The national Cancer Council and Diabetes Australia will help drive awareness about diabetes and skin cancer with an integrated social media campaign as Australians are asked to…

Disease Prevention Topping Eftpos $2M Poll

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th September 2013 -  The area of ‘disease prevention and medical research’ is currently leading the public online poll undertaken by electronic funds transfer system company, eftpos…
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