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Tag : EPIC Assist

Reflections on the First Episode of the ABC’s Employable Me

Bill Gamack, Friday, 6th April 2018 -  Employable Me is a real and raw depiction of the challenges associated with job hunting when you have a disability, writes EPIC Assist CEO Bill Gamack. For a while now, I’ve been eagerly


Listen and Learn: The Importance of Parking Our Prejudice

Bill Gamack, Thursday, 5th April 2018 -  EPIC Assist CEO Bill Gamack shares his learnings from Jon Faine’s controversial interview with Carly Findlay. I was moved to write this piece after listening to Jon Faine’s interview

Don’t Get Mad, Get Moving

Bill Gamack, Thursday, 28th September 2017 -  Many people still believe if a disability isn’t visible it doesn’t exist, writes Bill Gamack, CEO of EPIC Assist, as he reflects on the fallout of the “Ashy Bines’ saga. Gold Coast fitness

Different Does Not Mean Bad

Bill Gamack, Friday, 23rd June 2017 -  Senator Pauline Hanson’s comments that children with disability should be removed from mainstream classrooms could have a damaging impact on how disability is viewed in Australia,

New Partnership Shows It’s ‘OK to Not Always Be OK at Work’

Wendy Williams, Monday, 20th March 2017 -  A “game-changing” new partnership has been formed in a bid to raise awareness of mental health and change workplace culture so “it’s OK to not always be OK”. Disability not for profit

Rethinking Autism in the Workplace

Wendy Williams, Monday, 6th February 2017 -  Australia needs to “rethink” autism in the workplace, according to a not-for-profit disability employment organisation, involved in a world-first initiative to employ autistic
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