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Tag : Equal Pay

Community sector celebrates equal pay renewal

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 14th October 2020 -  “This is a testament to the work of advocates, as well as the leadership of Minister Ruston, that this was achieved,” a community sector leader says.   The federal government’s decision

Levelling the Playing Field

Wendy Williams, Monday, 4th September 2017 -  Libby Lyons is the director of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), which provides employers with advice, practical tools and education to help them improve gender equality.

Will The Real Gender Pay Gap Please Stand Up?

Rebecca Cassells, Monday, 12th September 2016 -  It’s time to clear up how we think about the gender pay gap and what it can tell us about the current and future economic security of women, writes Curtin University, Bankwest Curtin

Community Pay Rise Closer

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 31st October 2012 -  Pay rises for some 150,000 community workers have moved a step closer after legislation passed in the Senate. Introduced with the Social and Community Services Pay Equity Special…

Government Moves to Close Gender Pay Gap

Staff Reporter, Monday, 3rd September 2012 -  About 150,000 of some of Australia’s lowest paid workers will benefit from regular pay rises following the first Equal Remuneration Order handed down by Fair Work Australia…

Rallies Over NSW Delay to Community Sector Pay Rises

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 5th June 2012 -  Community Workers are holding rallies across NSW today following claims that they may have to wait up to six years to receive the landmark equal pay increases awarded in February.…

Baillieu Under Pressure on Equal Pay Case

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th February 2012 -  Premier Ted Baillieu is under pressure to commit to funding the equal pay decision Nearly 2,000 Australians have joined an online campaign urging the Victorian Government to fully…

Eyes Now on States & Territories to Fund Historic Equal Pay Decision

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd February 2012 -  State and Territory Governments have been urged to commit to funding the community sector pay rises awarded in yesterday’s historic Fair Work Australia decision. UnitingCare…

Equal Pay Decision “Milestone” – NFPs

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 1st February 2012 -  The community sector has welcomed the decision by Fair Work Australia in the equal pay case for Australian community sector workers. In the landmark decision, Fair Work Australia…

Pay Decision A ‘Disturbing Outcome’ – Chamber of Commerce

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 1st February 2012 -  The majority decision handed down by Fair Work Australia in the equal remuneration case is a disturbing outcome that must be quarantined, says the Australian Chamber of Commerce…

Unions “Jumping For Joy” Over Equal Pay Decision

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 1st February 2012 -  Unionists say they are ‘jumping for joy” over the landmark equal pay decision by Fair Work Australia. Linda White, from the Australian Services Union, tweeted her response…

Payday for Community Workers as FWA Agrees on Equal Pay

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 1st February 2012 -  Fair Work Australia has found in favour of the community sector equal pay claim which will see major pay rises for tens of thousands of workers across the country. Community works will…
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