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Tag : Equality

Rebuilding our society: What should a reimagined Australia look like?

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 25th May 2022 -  A prominent advocate suggests Australians should reconsider what sort of society they want to create. COVID has forced a reset of many facets of our lives as we adjust to new ways of

Will your organisation lean in, or lean out on March 4 Justice and women’s rights?

Neil Pharaoh, Tuesday, 30th March 2021 -  We are reaching a moment in time where there is great opportunity for civil society to lead the way in making lasting change, writes Neil Pharaoh.  It is impossible to ignore the recent


50 years after Australia’s historic ‘equal pay’ decision, the legacy of ‘women’s work’ remains

Contributor, Friday, 21st June 2019 -  It’s been five decades since the historic equal pay decision, but decisions made centuries ago mean that female-dominated jobs still sit at the lower end of the pay spectrum, writes

Gender inequality and social entrepreneurship

Cindy Mitchell, Wednesday, 19th June 2019 -  Cindy Reese Mitchell explores how the gender norms that hobble women’s full participation in business also apply to those who are passionate about social innovation. I’m old enough

Why Diversity Programs Fail

Adam Blanch, Monday, 9th April 2018 -  Far from building bridges of understanding and respect, standard diversity programs can create psychological barriers by engendering an environment of fear and resentment, writes

Many Australians Don’t Have Access to Critical Social Services

Rachel Siewert, Thursday, 16th June 2016 -    Opinion: The Greens community spokesperson, Senator Rachel Siewert, told a National Press Club forum this week that it was her job to keep the issues of the Not for Profit sector


Young Advocate’s Ambition for Change

Staff Reporter, Friday, 18th October 2013 -  In 2012, Perth-based community advocate Conrad Liveris, 20, got together with one of his brothers and a group of friends to start up the volunteer-run Street Smugglers in Western

Australia Gets a ‘Fail’ on Refugees

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th October 2013 -  Australia has received an ‘F’ in a UN report card over the country’s treatment of refugees. The report launched by the United Nations Association of Australia…
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