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Tag : Evaluation

Evaluate Your Professional Career Path in 2025

Johnson Recruitment, Friday, 13th December 2024 - 

Assess Your Environment & Experience

  • Align with Your Interest – Evaluate whether your current role is in the area that aligns with your professional interests. Do your daily

Case study: Assessing an impact investment fund using an impact audit

Geoff Mulgan, Tuesday, 23rd July 2019 -  How do we know what difference impact investing makes? Nesta commissioned an impact audit to assess its impact investment fund, writes Nesta CEO Geoff Mulgan as part of a series of

Market, what market? Why bottom up innovation is so rare in human services

Nicholas Gruen, Tuesday, 23rd July 2019 -  There is a huge catch 22 driving impact measurement in human services. A lot of the evaluation is done because governments seek it, but then it goes nowhere – and for good reason. NGOs

Case Study: Assessing the impact of an impact investment

Geoff Mulgan, Wednesday, 10th July 2019 -  Can tutors help children improve their maths? The Nesta Impact Investment team supported Third Space Learning to undertake a randomised controlled trial and process evaluation

Case Study: Randomised control trial of SME business support vouchers

Danielle Kutchel, Thursday, 6th June 2019 -  Are vouchers that give SMEs access to creative sector support effective? The Creative Credits programme used a randomised control group method to evaluate a voucher scheme, writes

Case study: Capturing the impact of a challenge prize

Geoff Mulgan, Thursday, 30th May 2019 -  Can a challenge prize improve farming in Nepal? The Data-Driven Farming Prize developed an impact framework to capture its effects on problem-solving, building capabilities and

Why NFPs need to ask powerful questions

Luke Michael, Thursday, 9th May 2019 -  Not for profits looking to measure outcomes must first ensure they are asking the right questions so they can get the right data, according to leading evaluation experts. Pro Bono

Budgeting for evaluation – tips for applicants

Squirrel Main, Thursday, 11th April 2019 -  Tired of reading the same mistakes at the end of grant applications, Dr Squirrel Main offers grant writers her advice on evaluation budgets within a grant budget. Most days I love my

No Interest Loans Delivers Positive Outcomes – Report

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 1st May 2014 -  An independent review of Good Shepherd Microfinance’s No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS) has found that the program diverts clients away from predatory lenders such as fringe…
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