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Tag : Faith-based organisations

Shining a Light on Faith-Based Governance

Wendy Williams, Friday, 20th October 2017 -  The governance challenges facing faith-based organisations are coming under scrutiny in an upcoming conference set to coincide with the delivery of the report of the Royal Commission

Three Ways Faith Based NFPs Can Sure Up Sustainability

Andrew Cairns, Wednesday, 23rd August 2017 -  While the latest census shows a downturn in the number of Christians in Australia, it’s a chance for faith-based not-for-profit organisations to recalibrate and sure up long-term

Most Vulnerable At Risk of Being Left Behind

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th June 2014 -    Sector reform and its impact on disadvantaged community members was on the agenda at a recent symposium attended by more than 20 faith-based organisations, writes Julie Edwards,

Investment Decision-Making Tool for Charities

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th February 2014 -  A new tool to help smaller charities and faith-based organisations decide on their asset allocation when investing has been produced by an ethical funds manager. Ethical funds management…
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