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Tag : Federal Court

10-year anniversary of offshore detention places spotlight on Australia’s treatment of refugees

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 20th July 2022 -  As advocates mark the milestone, one refugee is bringing a case to the Federal Court to try and end the use of hotels as places of detention. Australia’s offshore detention system has

NDIA Loses Appeal in Test Case for Transport Funding

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 23rd August 2017 -  An attempt by the National Disability Insurance Agency to appeal a ruling that the agency must fully fund supports accepted as “reasonable and necessary” under the National Disability

NDIA to Appeal Disability Transport Ruling as Test Case

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 19th April 2017 -  The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is to appeal a Federal Court decision over funding arrangements for transport costs under the National Disability Insurance Scheme…

Court Rules on Belle Gibson Charity Deception

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 16th March 2017 -  The Federal Court has found self-proclaimed fundraiser and fake cancer survivor Belle Gibson guilty of misleading and deceptive conduct in relation to claims about her charitable…

Court Battle To Claim Poker Machines ‘Misleading’ and ‘Deceptive’

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 26th October 2016 -  The not-for-profit anti-gambling advocacy group, Alliance for Gambling Reform, is supporting a landmark federal court battle, with a former poker machine addict, against Crown…

Court Clears Aged Care NFP of “Serious Risk” Claims

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th December 2015 -  The Federal Court has awarded financial compensation and quashed “serious risk” claims made by a government quality assurance agency against the Queensland Baptist…

Charity Loses Federal Court Tax Fight

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 24th November 2015 -  An Australian organisation that claimed to be a charity and spent more than $1 million on luxury cars for its members has lost a Federal Court appeal to keep receiving charitable tax…

Australian ‘Charity’ Fined Record $1.5 Million

Xavier Smerdon, Friday, 20th February 2015 -  The Federal Court has ordered the Australian promoters of an AIDS pharmaceuticals donation scheme to pay $1.5 million to the Australian Taxation Office, the highest civil penalty…

No ATO Appeal on PBI Status

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th July 2014 -  The Australian Tax Office has decided not to appeal a Federal Court decision giving national Not for Profit, the Hunger Project, Public Benevolent Institution status – paving…


Court Rules PBI Directness Test Incorrect

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th June 2014 -  A Federal Court decision in the case of The Hunger Project Australia v Commissioner of Taxation is set to change the outcomes for many charities previously denied Public Benevolent

Indigenous Leader Applauds Tough Stand on Corruption

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 11th February 2014 -  The successful prosecution of a former CEO of an Aboriginal medical service for embezzling funds has been applauded by the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre (AILC). The AILC’s…

Government Plans New Disability Payment Scheme

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 16th January 2014 -  The Federal Government will introduce a new payment scheme for employees with intellectual disabilities that work in Australian Disability Enterprises but peak Not for Profits…
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