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Tag : Federal Parliament

Key names you need to know in federal Parliament

Angus Crowther, Monday, 1st August 2022 -  Angus Crowther and Rory Parker provide this handy guide to some of the key names our sector needs to know in federal Parliament.  With the first sitting week of the 47th Parliament done

Teaching NFPs to Walk the Blue Carpet

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 7th June 2017 -  Not for profits looking for “insider knowledge” on how to inform, assist and influence decision-makers in federal Parliament can now turn to a new e-book. Annie O’Rourke, the director

Aly Becomes First Female Muslim MP

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 12th July 2016 -  The founder of a Not for Profit committed to addressing violent extremism in Australia is set to make history by becoming the first Muslim woman to be elected to federal Parliament.

Dementia Awareness Call To Politicians

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 10th September 2015 -  Governments across Australia have been urged to show leadership in encouraging Australians to become dementia-aware and to develop a better understanding of what it is like for…

Income Inequality to Worsen Under Budget -Senate Report

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 4th December 2014 -  An all-party Senate Committee Report table in the final days of Federal Parliament has warned that inequality and poverty will worsen in Australia under the Abbott Government’s…

Senate Inquiry Reports on Grandparent Carers

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 30th October 2014 -  A Senate Committee report to Federal Parliament into grandparent carers has called for financial and legal support for the often-ignored grandparents raising grandchildren as…

Govt Flags ‘Bold’ Changes To Foreign Aid Policy

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th June 2014 -  Australia's foreign aid program will undergo a "bold and dramatic change", with recipient countries and aid agencies set to sign up to performance benchmarks –…

Senate Report on ACNC ‘Retrograde’ Step

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th June 2014 -  A Senate Committee report into the abolition of the charity regulator, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission (ACNC), has failed to break the deadlock between…

Federal Budget Ends ‘Days of Borrow and Spend’ – Treasurer

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th May 2014 -  The Federal Government says its 2014-15 Budget will deliver savings of more than $36 billion with major funding changes to jobs, health, education, welfare, foreign aid and the slashing…


Giving to a Fine Art

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th April 2014 -  A passion for the arts has taken Fiona Menzies from the halls of Federal Parliament through to the Not for Profit sector. Menzies is this week’s Changemaker. Menzies’…

Submission Deadline Looms on ACNC Future

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd April 2014 -  Not for Profits have just four weeks to make a submission to the Senate inquiry into the Legislation to repeal the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. Submissions…

Charities Act Safe for Now – Opposition

Staff Reporter, Friday, 7th March 2014 -  Federal Opposition says the Not for Profit sector has gained a short-term win after the Coalition Government abandoned its attempt to delay the start of the Charities Act. “The…
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