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Tag : FIA2011

“Top Seven Insights” for Fundraisers – FIA Conference

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th February 2011 -  The Fundraising Institute of Australia’s 34th International Conference in Melbourne has kicked off with fundraising expert John Jeffries providing insights into his 28…

Fundraising…“It’s the Inspiration Business”

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd February 2011 -  Leading global fundraiser Ken Burnett, a keynote speaker at the FIA’s 34th International Conference in Melbourne this week, gives 7 tips on how to effectively head up a fundraising


Taking Bequest Marketing Seriously…A Guide for Complacent Chief Executives

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd February 2011 -  As a keynote speaker at this week’s Fundraising Institute Australia’s 34th International Conference in Melbourne, international fundraising expert Stephen Pidgeon

‘Be Inspired’ by the FIA’s 34th International Fundraising Conference

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th January 2011 -  The FIA’s International Fundraising Conference will be held in Melbourne 24 – 27th February 2011. With over 80 sessions on offer and an extensive list of international…
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