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Tag : Foreign donations bill

Charity sector faces new advocacy threat

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 16th August 2021 -  Sector leaders say the government is trying to make charities less visible during election periods Charities are deeply concerned by a new government proposal that would force more

Review of foreign donations bill puts charities on alert

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 27th January 2021 -  Civil society organisations are being urged to make a submission to a new parliamentary inquiry           Charities are determined to ensure that issue-based advocacy remains protected

GetUp Foreign Donation Questioned

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 14th January 2019 -  The foreign donations controversy is continuing into the new year, with an overseas donation to grassroots advocacy group GetUp slammed by a Liberal senator, but sector experts

Charities Make Their Voices Heard Amid Political Chaos – 2018 in Review

Luke Michael, Thursday, 20th December 2018 -  In a year filled with political chaos and upheaval, the charity sector had to fight hard to make its voice heard. But through strong advocacy efforts, the sector was able to achieve


Reflections on the Electoral Bill Debate

Krystian Seibert, Tuesday, 20th November 2018 -  Krystian Seibert reflects on the foreign donations bill that recently passed the Senate, and explains how a reasonable and sensible policy outcome was achieved. Last Friday, the

Fears Foreign Donations Bill Could Still Stifle Charitable Advocacy

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 16th October 2018 -  It is feared an amended foreign donations bill will still threaten charitable advocacy despite new recommendations designed to protect the sector. A parliamentary joint standing

Foreign Donations Bill Changes Labelled a Win For Charities

Luke Michael, Friday, 21st September 2018 -  Draft amendments to the foreign donations bill have been labelled a win for the charity sector, with the government backing down on measures that threatened charitable advocacy.

Charity Sector Draws ‘Line in the Sand’ with Foreign Interference Legislation

Luke Michael, Friday, 15th June 2018 -  The Australian charity sector has “drawn a line in the sand” and demanded that any foreign interference legislation meets a number of principles to protect issues-based advocacy.…

Greens Pressure Labor and Crossbench to Reject Foreign Donations Bill

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 11th April 2018 -  The Greens have placed pressure on the opposition and crossbenchers to reject the foreign donations bill outright, despite indications from the Labor Party that they would be open

Foreign Donations Report Aims to Provide ‘Greater Clarity for Charities’

Luke Michael, Monday, 9th April 2018 -  The Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters has released its report on the Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform Bill, making 15 recommendations which the committee hopes

How do Australia’s Foreign Interference Laws Compare to Draconian States?

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 29th March 2018 -  The suite of controversial foreign interference laws proposed by the Australian government have been described by their critics as draconian, but how does the Australian legislation

New Charity Sector Push To Withdraw Foreign Interference Bills

Luke Michael, Thursday, 22nd March 2018 -  There has been a renewed push to withdraw the federal government’s package of foreign interference bills, with an open letter set to be presented to Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten
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