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Tag : Fringe Benefit Tax

Attend TaxEd’s training sessions to stay up to date with changes to FBT

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th February 2017 -  TaxEd is running training sessions that help organisations to understand new regulations made to the fringe benefit tax (FBT) system. With some significant tightening having been


ACNC’s Draft Definition of PBIs – Risk or Opportunity?

Myles McGregor-Lowndes, Tuesday, 26th April 2016 -  A move on the definition of Public Benefit Institutions (PBI) has consequences of both risk and opportunities and needs careful consideration, writes Professor Myles McGregor-Lowndes

Top 10 Tips for Getting Your FBT Right

News Team, Thursday, 17th March 2016 -  As 31 March looms it’s time for the often thankless but nevertheless significant task of preparing the Fringe Benefit Tax return. Taxation training organisation,TaxEd, provides

Changes to Entertainment Benefits for NFPs

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th March 2016 -  It’s time to consider the changes to the new entertainment benefits for Not for Profits, writes Mariana von Lucken, Partner at HLB Mann Judd Tax Consulting in Sydney. Public Health

Salary Packaging Changed Forever

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th March 2016 -  The capping of “entertainment” fringe benefits starts 1 April 2016. Salary packaged meal entertainment and holiday accommodation (venue hire) will only qualify for FBT exemption

Govt Targets PAFs & Fringe Benefits Tax

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 9th April 2015 -  The Abbott Government has announced changes to the way Private Ancillary Funds (PAFs) will be wound up and how the philanthropic funds can distribute their assets. Assistant Treasurer…

Budget Knocks Confidence – NFPs

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 14th May 2014 -  Not for Profit sector confidence remains low despite some positive Federal Budget measures, according to the Community Council for Australia.
“In tough times we need more,

FBT Threat to NFPs Disappointing

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd April 2014 -  Budget speculation that the Federal Government has set its sights on changes to Fringe Benefit Tax packages is disappointing given that the Not for Profit sector has been told by Treasury…


Effect of the Coalition Victory On NFP Salary Packaging

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 12th September 2013 -  While the Coalition’s election victory has removed Labor’s proposed changes to the statutory formula for FBT car leasing arrangements there are some new Fringe Benefit…
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