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Tag : GDP

Small government, pandemic preparedness and economics for good: Stiglitz holds court

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 13th July 2022 -  Nobel-laureate economist argues governments should care about more than GDP, they should care about the wellbeing of their citizens too. People across the world are  becoming increasingly

Gender Inequality and Religious Intolerance Pull Australia Down in Ranks

Rachel McFadden, Wednesday, 21st June 2017 -  Gender inequality, a lack of religious tolerance and political terror are negatively affecting Australians’ quality of life, a new report has revealed. The Social Progress Index

Financial Inclusion Critical for Economic Growth – NFP Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th June 2014 -  If just 7 per cent of financially disadvantaged Australians were able to improve their wealth position, the nation’s annual gross domestic product (GDP) could increase by…

No NFP Rep on Audit Commission – ACOSS

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 19th February 2014 -  Welfare peak body, ACOSS has criticised the Federal Government’s Commission of Audit for not appointing a representative of the community sector to be part of the inquiry.…


Charities Still Waiting to be Heard?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th February 2014 -  Any doubt that charities are the little people in political discourse and national policy debates is being clearly dispelled by the Coalition Government’s continued enthusiasm

Measuring National Progress Beyond GDP – Poll

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th June 2013 -  Australians are among the strongest supporters worldwide for replacing Gross Domestic Product with a more comprehensive measure of national progress, a recently released global…

GDP and the Not for Profit Sector – CBA Finance News

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 20th March 2012 -  This article is by Commonwealth Bank economist James McIntyre is part of a regular series of articles by the Commonwealth Bank, who will be using their financial experts to provide
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