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Tag : Geelong

Big Job Ahead for NDIS – Bonyhady

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 12th August 2014 -  There’s still an an enormous amount of work to be done in terms of pricing and transition for service providers, the National Disability Insurance Agency Chair Bruce Bonyhady…

Conference to Deliver NDIS Report Card

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 20th May 2014 -  A two-day National Conference on the National Disability Insurance Scheme in August is expected to act as a “report card” on the scheme’s first year of state-based…

NDIA Headquarters Opens in Geelong

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 30th April 2014 -  The Prime Minister Tony Abbott has re-confirmed his commitment to the National Disability Insurance Scheme at the the opening of the National Disability Insurance Agency headquarters…

Geelong Homeless Project ‘Axed’

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 4th September 2013 -  It’s been claimed a highly successful pilot project supporting youth at risk of homelessness in the Victorian city of Geelong has been summarily axed without further funding…

Victoria Secures NDIS Trial

Staff Reporter, Monday, 13th August 2012 -  The Federal and Victorian Governments have reached an agreement to trial the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in the Barwon Region from 1 July 2013. The agreement comes…

Victoria Wants Confirmation of NDIS Trial

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 8th August 2012 -  The Victorian Premier, Ted Baillieu, has called on Prime Minister Gillard to confirm that Victoria is to host a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) trial in the Barwon Region.…

Disability Employers Recognised

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th August 2012 -  Victorian employers committed to disability employment and workplace safety were recognised at the CRS Australia Victoria and Tasmania Employer Awards. Minister for Human Services,…

States Join Forces on NDIS

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th July 2012 -  The NSW and Victorian Governments have joined forces in a partnership they say is designed to move Australia towards a full National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). A joint expression…
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