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Tag : GFC

Corporate Leaders to Study Future of Global Financial System

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 27th January 2016 - 
A group of eight leaders in global finance and economics who met at the World Economic Forum  in Davos, Switzerland have agreed to join a high-level taskforce focused on the future

NZ Grantmakers Survive the GFC Storm – Study

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 28th November 2013 -  New Zealand philanthropy has survived the global financial crisis, according to the results of the first major survey of the nation’s grantmakers. More than 75 per cent of…

GFC Hangover Expected to Continue to Impact Donations in 2012

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th December 2011 -  People in the United States and United Kingdom overwhelmingly trust Not for Profits (NFPs) ahead of of governments and corporations to create social change, yet most say they will…

Co-Op Model Significant in Wake of GFC – Australian Social Business

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd November 2011 -  Individuals and governments ought to turn their attention to the co-operative model of business in the wake of a global financial crisis, according to Greg Wall, Chair of Social Business…

UK Charitable Giving ‘Recession-Proof’ – Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th February 2011 -  Charitable giving by UK households is largely recession-proof, according to new research by the University of Bristol and Cass Business School. But the study also shows that there…
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