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Tag : GiveEasy

Five ways for your charity to stay ahead of COVID-19

Jeremy Tobias, Thursday, 12th March 2020 -  With the uncertainty surrounding coronavirus both overseas and now in Australia, GiveEasy CEO Jeremy Tobias offers tips on how your charity can stay ahead in terms of planning and

Australians generosity revealed

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 2nd April 2019 -  Australians upped charitable giving by over half a billion dollars from 2015 to 2017, Australian Tax Office figures have revealed.   The latest taxation statistics for 2016-17,

NFPs overlooking the online donor experience

Luke Michael, Friday, 22nd March 2019 -  Charities are being urged to make it easier for people to donate online, after new research found not for profits were struggling with the transition to digital giving. Digital fundraising

NFP Innovation Index Survey Launches

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 20th February 2018 -  Charities have been urged to embrace innovation as “the key to unlocking the most complex social issues”, with the launch of a nationwide innovation index survey for the not-for-profit

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Top Takeouts on Christmas Mobile Fundraising

Jeremy Tobias, Tuesday, 7th February 2017 -  The 2016 Christmas appeal season has pushed mobile fundraising to the fore, writes Jeremy Tobias from digital fundraising platform GiveEasy, who offers his top takeouts from the

New Research Looks for NFP Innovation Improvements

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 13th October 2016 -  New national research into Australia’s not-for-profit organisations aims to uncover greater insights and possible improvements in innovation performance across the sector.…

NFPs Still ‘Middle of the Road’ on Innovation

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 27th April 2016 -  New national research has revealed that the Not for Profit sector, while not short on examples of leading edge innovation, remains largely middle of the road when it comes to innovation…

Monthly SMS Donations Land in Australia

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 1st September 2015 -  For the first time from today charities will be able to set up regular monthly SMS donations from their supporters. Digital fundraising platform, GiveEasy, has launched the ability…

New Donation App for Charities

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 30th October 2014 -  A new smartphone application has been developed with the goal of replacing gifts like chocolates or wine with a donation to a charity. Sydney-based former accountant Barney Gordon,…

Measuring Innovation in the NFP Sector

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 -  A national survey to measure the innovation capabilities of the Australian Not for Profit sector for the first time has launched today. GiveEasy, an organisation that provides ways…

NFP Launches Wildlife Rescue Donor App

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 26th June 2014 -  Not for Profit wildlife rescue organisation, WIRES has launched a mobile phone app that will allow users to report a native animal in need of rescue and help boost the organisation’s…

Go Tribe Community Launches App

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th May 2014 -  Newly created Not for Profit organisation, The Go Tribe, which aims to change the way Australians learn about social issues around the world, has launched a mobile phone app. The Go…
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