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Tag : Giving Australia 2016

More Australians Are Giving Time Not Money

Wendy Williams, Monday, 11th September 2017 -  More Australian’s are giving their time but not their money, according to two new reports released at the Philanthropy Meets Parliament Summit on Monday. The reports, which form

Top Philanthropic Gifts of 2016

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 22nd December 2016 -  Australia’s biggest philanthropists have favoured universities in 2016, donating record-breaking amounts towards all aspects of tertiary education and university life. Figures


Donor-Centric Charities – It’s Time to Rethink Our Messaging

Shuie Gestetner, Thursday, 1st December 2016 -  Not-for-profit organisations need to radically change the way they think about their story and how they tell it, writes fundraising specialist Shuie Gestetner. To everything in

What Motivates Australian Philanthropists?

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 1st December 2016 -  In 2016 Australian philanthropists are keen to make a difference, promote an ongoing culture of giving but also want a much bigger say in the outcomes of their giving, according to…

Giving Australia: The Rise of the Charity Bypass

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 1st December 2016 -  The rise of crowdfunding and other technologies has allowed a “charity bypass” in Australia with more donors directly engaging with their causes often leaving charities in their…
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