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Tag : Gonski

Gonski Review Attacks Australian Schooling Quality and Urges Individualised Teaching Approach

Contributor, Monday, 30th April 2018 -  The damning report, Through Growth to Achievement, finds many Australian schools are “cruising, not improving”, writes political journalist and professorial fellow at the University

More Schools Turning to Philanthropy For Support

Rachel McFadden, Wednesday, 24th May 2017 -  An increasing number of disadvantaged Australian schools are seeking financial support from philanthropic sources, according to a new not-for-profit analysis. Education charity,

Post-Election Poll Shows Support for Crossbench Negotiations

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 6th July 2016 -  The majority of Labor, Green and Independent voters would prefer negotiations with crossbench MPs rather than calling another election, according to a new poll. In a post-election

Philanthropy Needs More Care – Gonski

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 26th March 2015 -  Businessman David Gonski has warned that Australian philanthropists need to inject greater precision and diligence into their giving – and that Not for Profits may need to…

Welfare and Foreign Aid Budget Losers

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th May 2013 -  International aid and welfare payments are expected to be the losers in today’s Federal Budget – the sixth budget by Treasurer, Wayne Swan. International Aid agency…

Gillard Pushes Gonski Education Funding

Staff Reporter, Monday, 3rd September 2012 - 
Photo: The Federal Government’s response to the Gonski education review has been described as an historic commitment to overhaul the way schools are…

Philanthropy In Schooling Urged by Gonski Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th February 2012 -  The much-anticipated Gonski Review of Funding for Schooling calls on the Federal Government to create a fund to provide national leadership in philanthropy in schooling, and to…
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