Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Monday, 20th February 2023 - The sector is praising charities minister Andrew Leigh’s announcement of nationally consistent fundraising laws, but enacting the much-needed change is in states and territories’…
Leon Cox, Thursday, 22nd October 2020 - Ahead of the upcoming Not-for-Profit Governance Forum on 13 November, Governance Institute hears from Movember and Brotherhood of St Laurence about how the sector has adapted, …
Contributor, Thursday, 13th August 2020 - Micah Projects CEO Karyn Walsh shares some thoughts on how COVID-19 has impacted the not-for-profit sector, and what the sector’s leaders need to be thinking about.When talking …
Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 21st July 2016 - Australians consider big business, banks and politicians to be unethical, while charities were seen as highly ethical, a new study of the nation’s ethics and corporate culture has…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th July 2014 -
Governance Institute of Australia is offering scholarships for those working in the Not for Profit sector who are interested in pursuing postgraduate studies in governance.