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Tag : Grantmaking

Devolving power in grantmaking

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 10th October 2022 -  Participatory grantmaking has the ability to level the playing field between funders and recipients. But is it all it’s cracked up to be? As philanthropy takes steps towards being

Relationships first, money after

Contributor, Thursday, 5th March 2020 -  Philanthropy can help restore the power and dignity of Indigenous peoples and their cultures, but it takes more than writing cheques, having meetings and making the right noises,

Getting philanthropy to ‘yoga status’

Louise Kuramoto, Wednesday, 3rd July 2019 -  Louise Kuramoto shares five lessons the Australian Communities Foundation learned from a recent trip to the US. It’s often said that philanthropic practice in the US is years ahead

Evidence: Taking the Guesswork Out of Grantmaking

Contributor, Thursday, 7th March 2019 -  Philanthropy and corporate giving can learn from the way policymakers are incorporating objective evidence of “what works” in their policy decisions, write Robyn Mildon, Natasha

Study Reveals Wastage and Pressure on Australia’s Grants Industry

Lina Caneva, Friday, 28th July 2017 -  Research into Australia’s $26 billion grants industry has revealed significant time wasted on abandoned grant applications, large organisations increasingly scooping up small…

In Conversation With the Experts – Genevieve Timmons

Julia Keady, Tuesday, 8th November 2016 -  Philanthropy Australia’s recent conference theme Future Ready marks the starting point for philanthropy consultant Julia Keady-Blanch to tease out the issue with long-standing

TechSoup Program To Help US Foundations Support International NGOs

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th November 2012 - 
Picture: Global technology resource organisation, TechSoup is to begin a program to help facilitate international grantmaking by US Not for Profits into Asia,…

The Trust Company Announces $5 million in Strategic Partnerships – PILCH a Big Winner

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th November 2011 -  The Public Interest Law Clearing House VIC (PILCH) is one of the big winners in a commitment to three year funding announced by fund managers, The Trust Company today. PilchConnect…

Victorian Women’s Trust Grants Program Opens for 2012

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd November 2011 -  The Victorian Women's Benevolent Trust's annual grant program is open for applications with this year’s General Grants having a major focus on projects which foster…

Grants for Community Health and Wellbeing Initiatives

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 16th August 2011 -  Not for Profit organisations can apply for up to $100,000 in funding for locally-based initiatives as part of nib foundation's 2011 Community Grant Funding Round. nib foundation's…
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