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Tag : Guide

Charities Told to Do Their ‘Homework’ on Crowdfunding – ACNC Guide

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 5th July 2017 -    The Australian charity regulator has warned the social sector to “do its homework” before embarking on a crowdfunding campaign, in a new online guide. The Australian Charities

Guide to Surviving Christmas: How to Speak Up for Social Justice

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 22nd December 2016 -  Not looking forward to a Christmas gathering where the conversation could heat up or turn ugly on issues around immigration, refugees or climate change? Well help is at hand. Human

Guide to NFP Conflicts of Interest

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 19th November 2015 -  For the first time the national charity regulator has released a guide for charities on managing conflicts of interest. The new guide by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits…

Tune In Now – Toolkit for Homelessness Workers

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 24th June 2014 -  A guide about depression and anxiety for people who work with homeless men has been launched nationally. The toolkit, called Tune In Now, was created by Homelessness Australia in…

Understanding Financial Reports for NFPs – CPA Guide

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th March 2014 -  Accounting peak body, CPA Australia has developed a free online publication to help better understand Not for Profit financial reporting. CPA Australia Chief Executive Alex Malley…

Social Enterprise Fundraising Guide

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th March 2014 -  The School for Social Entrepreneurs Australia has launched a free fundraising guide for social enterprises and Not for Profits. The 'how to' guide was created by SSE Australia…

Handbook Helps with Inclusion of Older People

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th August 2013 -  A handbook aimed at supporting the inclusion of older people with a disability in mainstream community-based activities will be available for community groups to improve participation…

Budget Breakdown : Gov Details Budget Measures That Affect NFPs

Staff Reporter, Friday, 13th May 2011 -  The newly created Office for the Not for Profit sector has released a guide to help Not for Profit organisations understand how the Budget affects them. As well as detailing the Government’s…

Guide to Help Staff Deal With People With a Mental Illness

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th April 2011 -  A new guide from Sane Australia is set to give practical advice to service delivery staff to improve the way they deal with people with a mental illness. The SANE Guide for Customer Service

Free Guide Helps NFPs Online Visibility

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th August 2010 -  UK-based Internet Advertising Bureau has published a free guide to help Not for Profit organisations become more visible online. The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), the trade…
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