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Tag : Harvard

NFP Scholarships to Harvard Business School

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 2nd February 2016 -  The Harvard Club of Victoria is offering Fellowships for Not for Profit CEOs which will send up to three executives to the US Harvard Business School in 2016. The Fellowships offer…

Harvard Scholarship Awarded to Social Enterprise Leader

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 2nd June 2015 -  The Executive Director of a Queensland social enterprise that supports adults in the community who have experienced mental health issues has been awarded a scholarship to attend…

NFP ‘Rebellion’ Against Funders’ Demands

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 28th May 2015 -  Not for Profits are needlessly rebelling against a growing demand from funders for impact and outcomes, rather than mere outputs, a Harvard Professor has told a Melbourne leadership…

Victorian NFP CEOs Bound for Harvard

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 14th May 2015 -  Three CEOs from Victorian Not for Profits have been announced as recipients of an annual fellowship providing funded study at Harvard Business School. Carmel Guerra of the Centre…


On the Right Side of the Law

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd December 2013 -  The passion to fight injustice has been close to the heart of lawyer Fiona McLeay from a very young age. Now McLeay is the Chief Executive Officer of Justice Connect, a pro bono legal

STREAT CEO Wins Social Ventures Scholarship

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th June 2013 -  Melbourne social enterprise entrepreneur, Rebecca Scott has won a Harvard scholarship through her work as CEO and co-founder of hospitality training entity STREAT. The award,…
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