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Tag : ICT

Disability Groups Call For Accessible ICT in Public Service Workplaces

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 11th April 2018 -  The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) has pledged to promote and monitor accessibility guidelines, after a joint statement from 25 disability groups called for the procurement

NFPs Held Back by Lack of ICT Capacity Development – Study

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th April 2012 - 
The Australian charity and Not for Profit sector continues to be held back by a growing need for the “right” technology and training to maximise the use of that technology,…

ICT Missing from Productivity Commission Draft Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th December 2009 -   According to the Infoxchange submission, the draft report mentions ‘ICT’ once in the entire document, and whilst it considers Drivers of innovation (9.3),…
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