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Tag : Impact reporting

Five characteristics of good impact reporting

Kevin Robbie, Tuesday, 30th March 2021 -  Impact reporting is becoming more mainstream. For-purpose organisations should be driving this trend, not only through measuring their impact but by communicating it with all


A New Era of Evidence-Based Giving

Contributor, Tuesday, 12th June 2018 -  Your not for profit does life-changing work. But could it be better? And how should you report impact to donors? The Global Evidence and Implementation Summit (GEIS), taking place

‘Show Me The Data’: How to Maximise Data in Your Next Funding Application

Contributor, Tuesday, 6th March 2018 -  In our highly competitive funding environment, data is the new commodity, writes Edmond Low, director and principal consultant of DQUBE Solutions. The ability to track the economic


Converging Sustainability Reporting with Integrated Reporting – Is it Imperative?

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th June 2013 -  Accountability is a highly desirable outcome for any 21st Century business, yet current accounting requirements and expectations are inhibiting many businesses from delivering…

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Seven Principles of Impact Reporting

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 1st May 2013 -  The Community Impact Manager for United Way Australia, Jenny Riley, offers seven principles of impact reporting as she reflects on designing and writing United Way Australia’s
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