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Tag : Inclusive

Is white liberalism taking over impact investing?

Durreen Shahnaz, Thursday, 12th December 2019 -  After a decade of impact investing, how inclusive is the space? What is the report card on the space and its mission to build a more inclusive market? IIX founder and CEO Durreen Shahnaz

Victoria ALIVE launches its social media campaign on inclusive volunteering

Contributor, Tuesday, 10th September 2019 -  Over the past year, the Victoria ALIVE project has been engaging communities around Victoria on the topic of inclusive volunteering for people of all abilities.  On Tuesday 3 September,


What is new leadership?

Mike Davis, Tuesday, 28th May 2019 -  With a dearth of leadership in the political sphere and trust in our major societal institutions waning, it is a good time to ask what does the new leadership we want look like today,

Inclusive education high in the NSW election agenda, but future of students with disabilities still unclear

Cecile Sullivan Elder, Monday, 18th March 2019 -  We need systemic reform to move from the parallel systems we have now to an education system that is inclusive of all children, writes Cecile Sullivan Elder, executive officer of Family
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    Volunteering and Contact ACT is both the peak body for volun...

    Volunteering and Contact ACT

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