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Tag : Indigenous health

First Nations people in the NT receive just 16 per cent of the Medicare funding of an average Australian

Contributor, Wednesday, 18th May 2022 -  As Australians head to the polls this weekend, it’s glaringly apparent that Medicare isn’t delivering equal benefit to First Nations people. Medicare, Australia’s universal health

High Needs Indigenous Patients Waiting Too Long for Services

Paul Carter, Wednesday, 11th July 2018 -  Indigenous people with “high” health needs had to wait too long for some services, says an annual snapshot of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health organisations. The Australian

Review Finds Government’s Closing the Gap Policy Has ‘Fallen Apart’

Luke Michael, Thursday, 8th February 2018 -  The federal government’s Closing the Gap policy has “all but fallen apart” due to extensive funding cuts and political instability, a 10-year review into the strategy has found.


The Man Living the Life He Dreamt of in Addiction

Luke Michael, Monday, 27th November 2017 -  Jeff Amatto is the co-founder of Brothers 4 Recovery, an organisation that heads to communities across Australia to start conversations around the difficult topic of drug, alcohol

Report Shows Way Forward for Closing the Gap

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 16th March 2017 -  Australian governments at all levels are failing Australia’s First Peoples, but there is “a way forward”, according to a new report released to mark National Close the Gap Day. The

Indigenous Health Budget Slashed

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th May 2014 -  Indigenous Not for Profit Reconciliation Australia has asked what programs will need go to make the $165 million savings as part of the Federal Budget’s cuts to Indigenous…

Community Events Mark National Close the Gap Day

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st March 2013 - 
Picture: More than 900 events are taking place across Australia today, to mark the seventh annual National Close the Gap Day and raise awareness about Aboriginal and…

NT Indigenous Dental Program Needs More Services – AIHW report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th April 2012 -  A Federal Government assessment of its Closing the Gap Child Oral Health Program in the Northern Territory says while it is having a positive effect on the dental health of Indigenous…
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