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Tag : Inequality

Tax the rich to ease inequality: Oxfam

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 16th January 2023 -  Australia’s tax system is broken and entrenches inequality, according to a major global charity. A new report published by Oxfam reveals how we can reduce inequality around the world:

Is inequality the new risk benchmark?

Kaushik Sridhar, Sunday, 30th October 2022 -  Tackling climate and nature risk is well and truly in the mainstream. Kaushik Sridhar asks if inequality is next. Disclosing, assessing and ultimately taking action to tackle climate…

The COVID poverty wave revealed

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 3rd March 2022 -  Despite early progress to reduce inequality during the pandemic, new research reveals more people than ever are locked into poverty  While government stimulus packages in 2020

Undermining community

David Crosbie, Thursday, 23rd September 2021 -  There are some who are seeking to undermine the important contributions charities have made during the pandemic. It’s up to all of us to highlight the positive behaviour that has transcended

Vaccines in CALD communities, privatisation and inequality, and the Aboriginal Justice Agreement

Contributor, Thursday, 19th August 2021 -  All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.


There’s one week left to register for the ACOSS/UNSW Poverty and Inequality Partnership webinar:

Getting back on track: The data we need to end poverty by 2030

Joanna Pradela, Wednesday, 14th July 2021 -  We need quality gender data if we are serious about our commitment to “leave no one behind”, writes Joanna Pradela, director of knowledge translation and equality insights at the

The importance of investing in education

Bruce Argyle, Thursday, 6th May 2021 -  Education is a powerful antidote to inequality. Yet, inequalities are preventing some people from accessing an affordable education. This is why Bendigo and Adelaide Bank developed

‘We are so much better than this’

Cassandra Goldie, Monday, 22nd March 2021 -  The passing of the paltry JobSeeker rate through Parliament last week was Australia’s greatest fairness failure yet, writes ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie.  Last week, Australian

The transformative power of education

Contributor, Tuesday, 24th November 2020 -  Education remains one of the most effective antidotes to inequality, yet not everyone has the same access to an affordable education. This is one of the reasons Bendigo and Adelaide

COVID-19 causes widening inequality for children worldwide

Luke Michael, Monday, 14th September 2020 -  Save the Children has conducted the largest global survey of its kind since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared    Children from the poorest households are missing out on access to education,

Racism, coronavirus and collective trauma

Dr Cathy Kezelman AM, Wednesday, 12th August 2020 -  Dr Cathy Kezelman AM looks at how the events around the world over the past few months, abuses of power, inequality and injustice are driving our individual and collective trauma.

Faith without work(ers) is dead

John Falzon, Saturday, 4th July 2020 -  To slash JobSeeker and kick people off JobKeeper is not an act of faith, it is an act of unmitigated viciousness, writes Dr John Falzon, who says it’s time we reaffirm the connection
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