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Tag : Infoxchange

Why “strategic quitting” is a winning approach

Felicity Green, Wednesday, 22nd February 2023 -  Should I stay or should I go? Knowing when it’s time to go is a strategic skill, writes Felicity Green.  What makes successful poker players, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs?

Recognising the sector’s excellence in technology

Contributor, Tuesday, 21st February 2023 -  Infoxchange calls on the not-for-profit sector to nominate worthy recipients for this year’s Australian Not-for-Profit Technology Awards. Nominations are open for the 2023 Australian

NFPs “inherently vulnerable” to cyber security attacks

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Monday, 6th February 2023 -  Speaking ahead of Safer Internet Day, Infoxchange’s CEO gives key tips to improve the security of online information. The for-purpose sector is critically lagging behind

Building digital capability and resilience: a new year’s resolution for the not-for-profit sector

David Spriggs, Friday, 3rd February 2023 -  David Spriggs asks and answers all the questions the sector should be asking itself about cyber security and so much more.  It has never been more important to build a digitally capable

Charities more vulnerable to cyber attacks than private and public sector

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Monday, 23rd January 2023 -  Limited resources, a part-time workforce and personal devices contribute to the vulnerability of the UK charity sector, new research finds, and it’s a similar affair closer to home.

NFP leaders say they are vulnerable to cyber attacks

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Wednesday, 28th September 2022 -  More than 60 per cent of NFP CEOs expect a surge in cyber incidents this year, yet training and compliance is not seen a priority, a new report reveals. As the repercussions of the recent

Ask Izzy campaign rolls out across Melbourne, showcasing the power of tech for NFPs

Danielle Kutchel, Friday, 17th June 2022 -  Australians will soon have access to real-time information about community support services close to them. A new community partnership between oOh! Media and Infoxchange will

Celebrating the best in NFP technology innovation

Danielle Kutchel, Friday, 13th May 2022 -  The winners in the Australian Not-for-Profit Technology Awards were announced at a gala dinner on Thursday. Not for profit and technology superstars have had their achievements

Digital inclusion in disaster-prone communities

David Spriggs, Monday, 14th February 2022 -  While there is no single solution to the issues around digital inclusion in disaster-prone communities, a new report finds there are ways we can work together to reduce the barriers,

Keeping the lights on through digital transformation

David Spriggs, Tuesday, 21st December 2021 -  David Spriggs shares some advice on how you can continue running your day-to-day while going through digital transformation. Welcome to the last in our series on digital transformation

Charities embrace tech in COVID, but there’s still a long road ahead

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 3rd November 2021 -  “There is still room for improvement in digitally enabled service transformation, particularly when it comes to the use of digital channels to reach vulnerable community members”

Digital transformation to enable new ways of working

David Spriggs, Tuesday, 19th October 2021 -  David Spriggs sheds light on the three P’s of digital transformation, and how a digital-first approach can enable new ways of working. Each year, the Infoxchange Group conducts a
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