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Tag : Ipad

Mobile Donation Platform Partners with Australia Post

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 26th November 2013 -  Australian mobile donation platform GiveEasy has formed a relationship with Australia Post to support giving to communities in need. The relationship is part of Australia Post’s…

CBA Community Fund Helps WA Children With Disabilities

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 9th August 2012 -  SPONSORED: A CommBank Staff Community Fund grant has made a big difference to a group of children with disabilities in Western Australia. A six-year-old girl from the Rocky Bay School…

Is Your NFP Website Mobile Friendly?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th July 2012 -  Charities worldwide, including Australian Not for Profits, could be missing out on donations because they have not optimised their websites for mobile devices. UK marketing and…

Aussie Charities Get App Savvy

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 22nd December 2011 -  Despite a controversial Apple ban on making charitable donations via Apps on the iPhone and iPad, Australian Not for Profit organisations are developing apps to educate and raise…

Australians Support a Children’s Emergency Fund

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 13th October 2010 -  Twice as many Australians believe a children’s emergency fund is a better way of saving children’s lives in natural disasters than launching emergency appeals after…
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