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Tag : Jan McLucas

Housing and Homelessness Policy ‘Shelved’

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 28th October 2014 -  The Federal Government says it is continuing to negotiate on issues of housing and homelessness despite revelations that the Coalition’s long awaited policy review has been…

Senate Hearings Into Affordable Housing

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 29th July 2014 -  The first public hearings have begun into the Senate Inquiry into Affordable Housing. The Inquiry has received 218 submissions from peak Not for Profits bodies as well as individual…

Employers Encouraged to Provide Flexible Workplaces for Carers

Staff Reporter, Monday, 25th March 2013 -  Employers are being encouraged to provide flexible working arrangements for carers by registering for the Federal Government’s Care Aware Workplaces program. The program…

Government Warns of NDIS Scam

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th February 2013 -  The Federal Government has warned people to beware of contact from anyone claiming to work for the Government who tries to make them pay an administration fee to access the National…

Nominations Open for National Disability Awards

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 29th May 2012 -  Australians are being encouraged to nominate individuals and organisations that contribute positively to the lives of people with disability for the sixth annual National Disability…

Program Helps Younger People with Disability Avoid Residential Aged Care

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th April 2012 -  An analysis of a government-funded program, aimed at reducing the number of people with a disability living in residential aged care, has shown a drop of 35 per cent of those living…

Disability Leadership Program Now Recruiting

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th April 2012 - 
The Federal Government is accepting applications for the Disability Leadership Program. Photo courtesy Hunter Institute. Applications are now open for people with disability…

COAG Endorses Road Map for Disability Reform

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 16th February 2011 -  The National Disability Strategy – billed by the Federal Government as the first national strategy to provide a long term disability action road map – has been endorsed…

Grants to Increase Accessibility for Disabled

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th January 2011 -  Grants of up to $100,000 are available to help local councils make their communities more accessible for people with a disability. Applications from local councils for grants of…

More People Using Disability Services

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th January 2011 -  A new report points to a large increase in number of Australians using disability support services. The number of people using disability support services increased by almost 50%…
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