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Tag : Jeff Smith

New plan to protect people with disability from COVID-19

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 22nd April 2020 -  The strategy has a strong focus on upholding the rights of people with disability  The federal government has unveiled a targeted plan to help manage and prevent the transmission of

Advocates demand stronger targets for disability employment

Luke Michael, Friday, 8th November 2019 -  NDIS Minister Stuart Robert has unveiled a plan to get 30 per cent of scheme participants into work by 2023 The Morrison government must create stronger targets for disability employment

Disability royal commission faces boycott threat

Luke Michael, Monday, 16th September 2019 -  The disability royal commission is officially underway, but advocates are threatening to boycott the inquiry unless two of the commissioners stand down over alleged conflicts


The lawyer taking charge of disability advocacy in Australia

Luke Michael, Monday, 9th September 2019 -  Jeff Smith is the new CEO of People with Disability Australia, a national disability rights, advocacy and representative organisation giving the disability community a voice of

Report finds people with disability ‘aren’t getting a fair go’

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 4th September 2019 -  People with disability are four times more likely to experience high psychological distress than other Australians, according to new research. The Australian Institute of Health
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