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Tag : Jewish care

Lack of Affordable Housing in the Jewish Community

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th January 2017 -  Issues being raised by Victoria’s homelessness and housing organisations parallel the experience of being on the front line of the current affordable housing crisis in the Victorian

Jewish Care Receives $500,000 Grant to Help the Disadvantaged Secure Employment

Lina Caneva, Monday, 7th November 2016 -  Jewish Care has received a Victorian Government grant of more than half a million dollars to secure sustainable employment for people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Jewish Care


The Power of Giving

Wendy Williams, Monday, 3rd October 2016 -  Emma Boyar is the next generation manager of Jewish Care which provides support and opportunities for individuals and families to strengthen the wellbeing and resilience of the

International Award for Jewish Care Campaign

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 7th April 2016 -  Not for Profit welfare organisation, Jewish Care Victoria, has won an international award for its latest capital fundraising campaign video. Its campaign video, titled Growing.
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