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Tag : Jodie Sangster

Connecting Up ‘Evolve’ Conference 2020 to help more NFPs with tech than ever

Contributor, Tuesday, 3rd December 2019 -  The Connecting Up Conference will return to Melbourne from 6 to 8 May, where it will help hundreds of Australian not for profits get the most out of technology.  Building on the record

IBM Artificial Intelligence Expert to Urge Conference Delegates to Embrace AI

Contributor, Thursday, 24th January 2019 -  IBM Watson’s Jodie Sangster is set to give a keynote at the upcoming Transform 2019 conference, teaching delegates how not for profits can reap the rewards of AI and machine learning.

Charity Marketing Out of Sync – Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th March 2014 -  A new report shows that Australian charity marketing spend does not match with the media channels customers nominate as the most effective for the acquisition and retention of donors.…
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