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Tag : Julie Collins

Meet your new federal government colleagues

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 1st June 2022 -  The new cabinet is strong on diversity, with a record number of women and the country’s first female Muslim minister. The progressive election has resulted in a progressive front

Jobseeker Bill Passed

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 3rd November 2014 -  The Labor Party has accused the Abbott Government of a “disgraceful display of arrogance” after a Bill that could see jobseekers penalised for missing appointments…

Govt Body to Prevent Violence Against Women

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th May 2013 -  The Federal Government is to set up a new national body to boost efforts to prevent violence against women. The Minister for the Status of Women, Julie Collins, announced at the inaugural…

Addressing Insurance for Low Income Australians

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 11th April 2013 -  A new discussion paper calling on government, insurers and the community sector to work together to provide insurance cover for Australians living on low incomes has been released.…

$16 Million in Grants to Support Volunteers

Staff Reporter, Monday, 18th March 2013 -  The Federal Government is offering community organisations the opportunity to apply for funding of up to $5,000 in its 2013 round of Volunteer Grants. The Volunteer Grants are now…

CDFI Pilot Extended

Staff Reporter, Monday, 25th February 2013 -  The Federal Government is to provide an additional $1.2 million to extend a pilot program that gives vulnerable Australians access to small loans and financial literacy training.…

Chair Announced for New Domestic and Sexual Violence Centre

Staff Reporter, Friday, 15th February 2013 -  Leading expert in women’s social policy, Professor Anne Edwards, has been announced as the chair of a new National Centre of Excellence established to help reduce domestic,…

Women’s Alliance Funding Renewed

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 12th February 2013 -  The Federal Government has extended funding for six National Women’s Alliances following an independent review. The six National Women’s Alliances will receive…

NFP Delegates Chosen for International Women’s Forum

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th February 2013 -  Four women selected from the Not for Profit sector will join the Minister for the Status of Women, Julie Collins in representing Australia at the 57th Session of the United Nations…

Schwartz to Advise on Workplace Gender Equality

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th January 2013 -  Prominent businesswoman and philanthropist, Carol Schwartz AO is leading consultations with business and other interest groups on the reporting requirements of the Federal Government’s…

Domestic Violence and Homelessness Links ‘Disturbing’ – Study

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th November 2012 - 
New research has linked domestic violence and homelessness.  One in two women who leave an abusive relationship will return to live with the perpetrator, sometimes returning…

Gender Equality Bill Passes Through Parliament

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th November 2012 -  New legislation supporting gender equality in the workplace has passed through the both houses of Federal Parliament. The passage of the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace…
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