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Tag : Kasy Chambers

Affordable housing crisis forcing older renters into aged care

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Tuesday, 13th September 2022 -  The nation’s housing crisis is impeding the ability of older Australian renters to secure appropriate housing, a new report reveals. Australia’s housing affordability is in crisis

Anglicare says Australia’s welfare system must be urgently fixed

Luke Michael, Thursday, 25th November 2021 -  “We need to overhaul the system. People are forced to run a gauntlet of interviews, reporting, and administration that isn’t leading to work”  Only one in 10 welfare recipients believe

Basic income: An idea whose time has come

Kasy Chambers, Monday, 6th September 2021 -  Our experience during the pandemic showed how a secure income can change lives for the better. So why shouldn’t Australia have a permanent basic income, asks Kasy Chambers, Anglicare

Many Aussies struggling to survive on insecure income

Luke Michael, Monday, 26th July 2021 -  Welfare groups believe things will only get worse amid ongoing lockdowns  Charities warn that people with insecure work are falling through the cracks of the social security system,

Charities turn to UN for help amid advocacy battle

Luke Michael, Thursday, 22nd July 2021 -  The Fred Hollows Foundation, Oxfam and Anglicare are among the charities that have petitioned the UN for support  The charity sector is calling on the United Nations to “take urgent

Religious organisations slam plan to shut down charities for minor offences

Luke Beck, Thursday, 6th May 2021 -  Charity leaders say the sector is facing a red tape nightmare that will curtail charitable advocacy       Major faith-based charities have united to condemn proposed changes that

Vulnerable renters left behind in growing affordability crisis

Luke Michael, Thursday, 29th April 2021 -  New research reveals rental affordability in Australia is getting worse The permanent $25 a week boost to JobSeeker has failed to make an impact on rental affordability, with new

Financial counsellors say safe lending laws must not be axed

Luke Michael, Monday, 1st February 2021 -  “These changes will harm individuals and families and are the last thing Australia needs as we chart a path to economic recovery”    Over 90 per cent of financial counsellors believe

COVID-19 creates new barriers for disadvantaged jobseekers

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 14th October 2020 -  New analysis shows there are 106 jobseekers for each entry-level job in Australia                                              The federal government’s privatised employment services program is failing vulnerable jobseekers,

Charity sector calls for JobSeeker to be raised permanently

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 14th July 2020 -  Anti-poverty advocates say that welfare payments must be raised above the poverty line, following new survey findings  Failing to permanently raise the JobSeeker payment would

Rental crisis worsens for low-income earners

Luke Michael, Monday, 29th April 2019 -  Australia’s rental affordability crisis is only getting worse, with new research revealing the number of affordable homes for people on welfare is dwindling. Anglicare’s annual

Oxfam Finds Widening Wealth Gap in Australia

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 22nd January 2019 -  Australia is in the midst of a billionaire wealth boom while low-income earners, women and Indigenous people are left behind, according to new analysis from Oxfam.   The charity’s
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