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Tag : Kevin Rudd

A sad and sorry history of Newstart

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 19th November 2019 -  Much has been made of the fact federal government unemployment benefits haven’t increased in real terms since 1994. But why has the freeze gone on so long? We look back at the history

PM’s Council on Homelessness On Its Way Out

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th November 2013 -  The Federal Coalition Government will be “winding down” the operations of the Prime Minister’s Council on Homelessness, Minister for Social Services Kevin…

Homelessness Overhaul Planned

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 31st October 2013 -  The Coalition is planning a major overhaul of the Federal Government’s strategy on homelessness. According to a spokesperson for the Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews,…

Kevin Rudd Launches ‘Because I am a Girl’ Report

Staff Reporter, Friday, 4th November 2011 -  Girls around the world are fighting a losing battle for gender equality unless boys join the cause, says a major global report from Plan, launched in Australia this week by the Minister…

Govt to Match Horn of Africa Donations ‘Dollar for Dollar’

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th October 2011 -  Image: A woman holds her severely malnourished young child in a camp for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Mogadishu. Somalia is affected by a severe drought that has ravaged

Aid Organisations Welcome Release of Major Aid Review

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th July 2011 -  Australian aid and development organisations have welcomed the Federal Government’s new aid plan, which has been released following an Independent Review of Aid Effectiveness.…

New Body to Coordinate Overseas Volunteer Programs

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th May 2011 -  The Federal Government has launched Australian Volunteers for International Development (AVID), which brings four separate overseas volunteer programs under a single program…

Aid Adviser Numbers Slashed

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 16th February 2011 -  A quarter of all advisers to Australia’s foreign aid program are to be phased out after a major review of Australia’s aid spending. Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd welcomed…

Government to Review Overseas Aid Program

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 16th November 2010 -  Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd has announced the first independent review of the Government's overseas aid and development program since 1996, however aid agencies have warned…

PM Signs National Compact with Third Sector

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 17th March 2010 -  Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was a surprise guest today for the signing in Canberra of the National Compact with the Australian Not for Profit Sector. He joined the Minister…
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