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Tag : Kids

Aussie kids challenged to solve global problems during lockdown

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 2nd June 2020 -  The challenge aims to give students of all ages an opportunity to showcase ideas for creating a better Australia  An Australian social enterprise is attempting to bring out the inner-entrepreneur

New Guide Puts Needs of Kids First in Disasters

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st July 2013 -  A national guide which puts the needs of children at the forefront of natural disaster and emergency planning, will help local councils across Australia plan for their diverse needs…

Disadvantaged Kids Missing Out on Sport

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 19th June 2013 -  Children living in disadvantaged communities are being deprived of sporting and cultural activities, according to new research. The study: Sport, culture and the internet: Are

Philanthropy in Australian Schools to be Honoured

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th April 2010 -  The philanthropic and fundraising efforts of Australian primary school children and their teachers are to be honoured in a new national award program. SchoolAid, a Not for Profit…
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