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Tag : Law Council of Australia

New data reveals lower rate of Indigenous kids in youth justice

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 19th May 2020 -  But Indigenous children are still 16 times more likely than non-Indigenous children to be under supervision The rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children under youth

Community groups urge Parliament to support Medevac laws

Luke Michael, Monday, 26th August 2019 -  Dismantling medical evacuation laws for asylum seekers and refugees may lead to more people dying needlessly on Manus Island and Nauru, a Senate inquiry has heard.  Community groups

Indigenous advocates slam NT government over new youth detention site

Luke Michael, Friday, 16th August 2019 -  The Northern Territory government’s decision to build a new youth detention centre beside an adult prison has angered Indigenous groups, who say the move ignores a key royal commission

Community Groups Call For Action on Indigenous Incarceration Rates

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 28th March 2018 -  Indigenous community groups have called on the Australian government to follow the “clear roadmap for change” presented by a new government-commissioned report, which examined

Call for Charities to be Exempt From Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 31st January 2018 -  A not-for-profit peak body and the Law Council of Australia have called for charities to be exempt from a proposed Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme, with fears the legislation

Campaigners Say Same Sex Marriage Bill Must Protect LGBTI Australians

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 15th November 2017 -  The Australian Parliament must move swiftly to introduce legislation that legalises marriage equality while preserving important anti-discrimination protections for LGBTI

Indigenous Referendum Rejection ‘Profoundly Disappointing’

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 1st November 2017 -  The Law Council of Australia has expressed “profound disappointment” at the federal government’s decision to reject the recommendation for a referendum into the creation of a representative…

Proposed New Laws to Help End Modern Slavery

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 16th August 2017 -  The Coalition government is proposing legislation that will make it a requirement for large businesses to report annually on their actions to address modern slavery. The move follows

Government Reversal on Cuts to Community Legal Centres

Lina Caneva, Monday, 24th April 2017 -  The federal government is to reverse its controversial funding cuts to Community Legal Centres (CLCs) in the upcoming budget – a move the community legal sector has described as a

NFPs Welcome Ratification of Convention Against Torture Protocol

Lina Caneva, Friday, 10th February 2017 -  The not-for-profit sector has welcomed the federal government’s move to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) describing the move as a positive…

Dylan Voller’s Lawyer Recognised

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 8th November 2016 -  The lawyer representing Dylan Voller and Jake Roper in their high-profile civil suit against the Northern Territory’s corrective services is among five finalists in the legal category…

Govt Sets Up Inquiry Into Incarceration Rate of Indigenous Australians

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 27th October 2016 -  The federal government has asked the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) to inquire into what has been described as “the catastrophic” levels of Indigenous incarceration in…
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