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Tag : LinkedIn

Three ways that job seekers can get ahead in the current job environment

Contributor, Wednesday, 31st March 2021 -  In today’s tough COVID-19 impacted economic environment, a new job can be trickier to secure than ever before. Claire King shares three of the many ways you can position yourself for

Changing careers? Here’s how you can give your LinkedIn a makeover

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 22nd February 2021 -  We take a look at some of the best ways to make your page stand out in a new sector Many people working in the social change space have come from elsewhere, seeking a job with more purpose. 

Global Not for Profit and Volunteer Match Network Launched

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 19th February 2015 -  The world’s largest business social networking platform LinkedIn, has launched a tool for Not for Profits which it claims will connect them with more than four million volunteers.…

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How To Spot (and Avoid) a Horrible Boss

Lina Caneva, Monday, 1st September 2014 -  It’s just as important for an interviewee to uncover the true culture of a business and the personality of a potential new boss, writes Alex Malley, Chief Executive of CPA Australia

Richard Branson’s Top Tips on Hiring on Personality

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th September 2013 -  As part of LinkedIn’s How I Hire series, Virgin Group Founder Richard Branson explains why he hires employees on personality. According to Branson, “there is nothing…

10 Must-Follow Not for Profits on LinkedIn

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 16th July 2013 -  Charities need to take notice of the growing impact of the social media site LinkedIn, according US Not for Profit technology guru, Heather Mansfield who has produced a top ten list…

LinkedIn ‘Board Connect’ Tool for NFPs

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th September 2012 - 
Photo: The Social Network for professionals, LinkedIn, has released an online tool that it says helps Not for Profit leaders find high quality professionals…

Aussie NFPs Missing Out On Social Media Success -Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th July 2012 - 
NFPs are missing out on social media success Australian Not for Profits are yet to see the degree of fund raising and cause advancement success that organisations in Canada and the…

Social Recruiting is the New Black

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th May 2012 -  Social networking sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn are some of the most powerful tools available to recruiters today, according to Talent Management and Recruitment agency,…

Volunteer Work Leads to Employment: Survey

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 22nd September 2011 -  Despite hiring managers saying they value volunteer work equally with paid work when evaluating a candidate, less than 50 percent of Australians include volunteer work on their…

Baby Boomers and Social Networks: What Charities Need to Know

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 1st September 2011 -   Almost half of all mobile customers in Australia use an Internet-connected device. Flickr Image: Some rights reserved by Johan Larsson  As baby-boomers…

The Australian NFP Facebook Factor – Survey Results

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 5th May 2010 -  Just over 70 percent of Australian Not for Profits are using social media, and in particular Facebook, as part of their everyday operations however only 34 percent are using it to fundraise,…
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